Saturday, August 15, 2009

Through the Eyes of A Child!

If it is true that a picture says a thousand words, then what would these pictures say to you? More importantly what would your response be?
I had to answer that question very quickly. What did I have to offer them? Some candy and a small stuffed animal? What next a hug and a smile? We brought all of that and a bag of groceries but their needs were so many and my resources so limited.
They needed so much more than what I had to give. My heart was broken by their lifeless eyes. My hope strengthened only by the knowledge of a God who sees them, knows them by name, loves them completly and died for them. What do you see through the eyes of these little girls? What would your response be?

The Girls Living the Country Life!

Green Achers is the place to be! A common mode of transportation; milk for our cereal; true love (a gypsy wedding); worshiping.... accordian style; a typical hardworking farmer;

Thousands without family, food and medical care!!

These are just a
few of the precious ones we have met along the way!!

Nursing Homes are Rare!

These people are well taken care of and were rescued from very bad situations. They receive healthy meals and medical care. Most of the medicine is donated from the United States!

For My Mom and My Friend Pat!

They have these beautiful storks here. I have really enjoyed seeing them!

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words!

Our fearless interpreter and friend is going to need emergency surgery very soon. He was suppose to have it before we came but postponed it because we were coming. Please pray for him. His name is Andrei and he is very precious to us and to Jesus.